Ranch of Hope Update:

Wow!! What a year 2020 was. With the introduction of the Covid 19 virus came many hurdles and unique challenges. In spite of the rapidly evolving climate surrounding the pandemic, the Ranch of Hope continued to minister to the hurting at an all time high. The Lord truly is faithful, and Holy Spirit proved once again to be our guide through the most difficult of storms! With the testimonies of 2020 in our pockets, we’ve entered into 2021 with an excitement in our hearts! The great physician continues heal and we continue on our mission ” …to bind up the broken hearted, and set the captives free.” We want to thank all of you for your prayer and support! Partners like you help to make all of this possible!

We are open and ministering at full capacity during this critical time.

Here are some testimonies from recent clients:

– “Thank you Brandon and Mariah for helping us on our journey discovering God and ourselves. God placed you in our lives for a reason and we are forever changed.”

– “Thank you Dave and Hope so very much for opening your doors and hearts to us. This has been such an eye opening week. Your love for God is such an amazing thing to witness. We are so grateful for all that you have shown us. Our walk with God is going to be mush stronger now. Thank you and God Bless!”

– “Thank you so much for the prayers, hospitality, and counseling we received with Mariah! She was just awesome!! We are leaving our past and moving forward with the help of Mariah and God! We loved our time here in the quiet mountains and are very excited to start our “New” life.”

Are you stuck?

We can help!

Give us a call 719-783-9642

Keep yourself healthy and demonstrate to others what Jesus demonstrated while here on earth.
We must take time to get away from all the noise and the chaos to spend time with the Father, hear His voice, rest and recharge!

 See what the Ranch of Hope Counseling has to offer for Leadership care. 

Click here:  https://ranchofhope.org/leadership-care/

Make sure you are checking out the videos our staff are posting. This is not only informative, but it also helps our online exposure greatly.
Click here