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So far admin has created 7 blog entries.

The Empty Nest


The Empty Nest by Julie McClain...   I didn’t even know I have a Nest! So, I’ve been trying to figure out – where did this phrase ‘Empty Nest’ come from? It’s a colloquialism that describes a very significant stage in a families life cycle. But it’s a bit random when we look to birds to describe what happens when our child or children leave home and move on to live their lives as adults. Empty Nest is even considered a ‘Syndrome’. Oh wow. At the end of our 18-30 years of raising our kids (depending on how many eggs you laid and how far apart they hatched) we end up with a “group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition or a set of concurrent things such as emotions or actions that usually form an identifiable pattern”.* So, at the end of all the years of blood, sweat, (laughter) and tears – you are graced with a SYNDROME! You’re welcome. Even if you don’t qualify for the syndrome title – if you are feeling pretty good about the inevitable transition of no longer raising kids – or if you’re making it over the hump quite well, we can’t ignore what a HUGE reality it is to have our kids grown and gone. A wise mentor of

The Empty Nest2024-12-30T14:36:36-07:00

What is Life Coaching


WHAT IS LIFE COACHING by Brandon Bradford     Originally derived from the counseling model, life coaching focuses on the tools, accountability, and strategic plans of action developed to help our clients be successful in their Christian Walk, Marriage, Family, Ministry or Business. Our Life Coaching model is a helping relationship that we utilize here at the Ranch of Hope Counseling to provide ongoing care to our clients. This model allows us to follow up with our clients once they leave to continue working on the tools that they’ve received while here at the Ranch. What makes our approach different is that we combine the Word of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit to make sure that the specific tools or strategies that we implement are tailor fit to you and your needs. We also provide hourly Life Coaching and Leadership Coaching services for those individuals or couples that may be in need of an extra push, but aren’t in crisis or still struggling with the pains of their past. Not sure whether you need Counseling or Life Coaching? Give us a call (719-783-9642) and we’ll help you find the best program and solution to fit your immediate needs. Life Coaching and Leadership Coaching Services: ● Life Coaching ● Leadership Coaching ● Accountability ● Spiritual Formation ● Personal Development ● Marriage Coaching

What is Life Coaching2024-10-31T12:31:13-07:00

What is a Godly Man? – The Challenge Every Man Faces


WHAT IS A GODLY MAN? THE CHALLENGE EVERY MAN FACES by Brandon Bradford This question has lingered for what seems like an eternity. Actually, it really has been around since the very beginning. Adam had to have asked himself and maybe even God this very question after that mishap in the garden. Now thrust into a very different reality than before, I’m sure this difficult question was present as Adam toiled to provide for his now growing family all the while trying to understand what it meant to be a husband and a father. It’s a question that every man has and or will ask himself as he looks to find his way. In the world today this can be a difficult topic to navigate, but one that I think is essential for us as believers to try and answer. The very notion that a Man is even different from a woman is under attack at the hands of a world that doesn’t acknowledge our divine creator. So, how do we answer this question? First let’s take a deeper look at some of the pressures and challenges that men face as they seek to find this answer. THE PRESSURES AND CHALLENGES Societal Inconsistencies and Influence. Let me start by saying this, a society that tries to

What is a Godly Man? – The Challenge Every Man Faces2024-09-27T13:28:52-07:00

For Women in their 30’s


"THRIVE" A 6 week virtual Life Group designed for Christian women who are single and 30 something. Mondays at 7 Eastern. Starting soon! More info at ranchofhope.org/thrive-2/ or to register call (719) 783-9642.

For Women in their 30’s2024-09-02T09:17:49-07:00

No Defense


Mariah shares the dangers of a defensive posture in marriage in this 60 second video. Check it out.

No Defense2023-02-13T14:46:13-07:00
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